Thanks for coming to my life and makes my life brighter. Thanks for take me as I am. Thanks for everything.
9 Jul 2013
Live your life
I need to be frequently looked down to realize myself that what I had in my life was perfect. I (almost) got what everyone else (almost) want. I had two parents who really get along, have a grandparent who until this moment still can give me money every month and be happy in his age, had a brother who although ignorant but I know he really cared about me, and now I have a niece who is very very funny! Everytime i wanna go, my mother always found time to take me. If I were hungry, I still could order McD by delivery, every month I can still buy the magazine to see the progress outside world although it's not always what I need. And sometimes if I want, I could buy some makeup and clothes online shop which (sometimes) after I bought it, I do feel regrets.
Should I feel my life is less? Should I often angry when my mother didn't lend her credit card and atm if I want to buy something that looks like I already have or haven't been fully I need? Should I feel jealous when my friends have the latest gadgets and I have to whine to my parents? Should I feel sad for not being able to salon while other people haven't eaten a few days? Should I feel what I have is less when some people who have same age as my grandparents still have to work hard to feed his wife and kids?
I am not a very rich girl, my parents too, but I still can eat full everyday, I still can take a bath with a warm and clean water, I still can sleep in my soft bed and cover by a thick blanket. I always try to remain thankful for what God has given me . I should be grateful by what I have because God can take it at any time, God can turn things around me in a flash,
Should I feel my life is less? Should I often angry when my mother didn't lend her credit card and atm if I want to buy something that looks like I already have or haven't been fully I need? Should I feel jealous when my friends have the latest gadgets and I have to whine to my parents? Should I feel sad for not being able to salon while other people haven't eaten a few days? Should I feel what I have is less when some people who have same age as my grandparents still have to work hard to feed his wife and kids?
I am not a very rich girl, my parents too, but I still can eat full everyday, I still can take a bath with a warm and clean water, I still can sleep in my soft bed and cover by a thick blanket. I always try to remain thankful for what God has given me . I should be grateful by what I have because God can take it at any time, God can turn things around me in a flash,
I should really often look down to realize that what I want is not always what I need......
20 Apr 2013
I miss and really LOVE my old life so much
Have you ever felt like your life is sooooooo flat and stuck? Yes I am...
And have you ever felt you are un-useful person? Again, Yes I am..
Ngerasa lagi bosen dan bener-bener kangen with my old life? Old life? Sebenernya gak ada yang bener-bener berubah sama hidup gue tapi gue ngerasa there's something different and I should move on, take a chance and never look back --ceileh--
Dulu gue gak kaya gini (random statement over the year hahaha). Gue kangen banget sama temen-temen gue dulu, DF, temen-temen SMP, ICHA, RENDY, Semuanya! Kangen pengen jalan-jalan, kangen pengen ketawa terbahak-bahak, kangen pengen seneng-seneng, kangen pengen melakukan sesuatu tanpa harus mikirin perasaan orang lain, kangen pengen ngerasa yg paling berkuasa. I don't wanna grow old. I miss my childhood life ;'(
Hidup itu memang selalu berubah yaa, berubah gak selalu jadi baik tapi juga kadang jadi lebih buruk, gue gak bilang lhooooo hidup gue yang sekarang lebih buruk, malah gue ngerasa ada beberapa hal yang jauh banget jadi lebih baik sekarang. Tapi yang dulu-dulu juga terlalu baik untuk dilupain.
But one thing I should really really do is gratefull with my God Allah
cause He gave me everything I need. A perfect parents, perfect friend,
wonderful life, money, and the last but not the least is BREATH :)
Actually all I want to share is my weakness here, tapi setelah dipikir-pikir kenapa harus kelemahan sendiri diceritain? Huehehe tapi above all, gue bener-bener pengen move on dari hidup gue sekarang. Apa sih yaa bahasa gaulnya itu out from the comfort zone. I should change. Jadi orang yang lebih berani (!), lebih mikirin diri sendiri dulu baru orang lain. I really need to be strong.
19 Apr 2013
My random life as a Collegian
Hallooooo world!
To start my second blog this year, I'll tell you a bit about my new friends in college, fyi I am not a white-gray-girl anymore but it doesn't change me completely because I still a cute little daughter for my mom huehehe <3
Gak tau kenapa yaa, jadi anak kuliahan tu sebenernya enaaaaaaak banget, can use eyeliner and mascara, can mix n match outfit from top to toe rasanya enak aja, walaupun suka ada beberapa orang gitu yaaa yang kalo liat gaya kita aneh dikit pasti langsung diliatin, udah naluri alami manusia sih kayanya -_- but that's not a big problm kok.
Enaknya lagi, dosen itu gak kaya guru yang ngurusin banget mau mahasiswi nya masuk mau nggak, yang penting pas semesteran yaa nilai yg masuk yaa segitu. jadi sebenernya ada enak ada nggak enaknya juga sih.
This isn't what exactly I want to tell but it's about my friends. Jadi dikampus gue punya temen deket banget yang walalupun belum sedeket sama yayak tapi mereka baik banget care banget tapi ngeselinnya juga kebangetan. Ada 4 orang tapi yang 1 nya gak terlalu deket lagi karena beda kelas. Diantara mereka aku yang paling kecil umurnya, yang paling gede badannya (don't think that my body is sooo big cause the problem is they're body is so small thanks-I'm not that big), tapi yang paling penakut daaaaaan paling gak bisa diandelin. hiks. :'(
Here they are :
1. Rachmy Alfa Juliani
Anaknya ini yaaa, hmmm kasih tau gak yaaa ;p panggilannya Amy, pacarnya namanya Daus, dulu pas baru kenal udah keliatan sih asiknya, cerewet, gak bisa diem, pecicilan, tapi kalo udah kesel sama kita-kita atau sama daus langsung deh keluar jurus Diam Tanpa Bahasa -_- paling banyak yang suka sama dia, kalo lagi jalan dikampus tuh yaa pasti sering banget deh dipanggil-panggil disiul-siul. Paling eksis dan hobi masak (r u kidding?)
2. Muthmainah Mutia
Panggilannya mumut, paling tomboi diantara kita-kita, sukanya sama band Rock (?), padahal dulu pas awal ketemu gak yakin kalo bisa akrab sama mumut, tapi sekarang malah dianterin terusss pulang kerumah ({}). Mumut itu anaknya perasa banget, kalo lagi badmood diem, kalo lagi laper diem, kalo sakit perut juga diem :D tapi kalo jahilnya keluar gak usah ditanya deeeeeh trs kalo mau 'nyugakin' (google translate if u dk the meaning ;p) paling jago. Bener-bener paling gak suka dandan tapi her eyes was so big and beautiful with natural eyebrows and bulu mata nya juga panjang. Trs juga paling tegas diantara kita-kita, jadi gue bener-bener wish I had her trait <3
3. Endah Anggraini
Endah................... Hahahahaha satu kata aja : JOGOL =))
Tapi paling dewasa (hah!), paling baik, paling suka curhat masalah Dim*tiiiiiiitt* hehehe, paling tau tempat pempek enak, trs cantik juga walaupun selalu bilang mukanya kusem padahal gak banget -_- pinter, suka ngajarin, terus paling gak bisa nyuci. hahaha jadi dia itu kalau nyuci baju, baju yang berwarna pun dipakeinnya pemutih, so you know how the result ;)
They're complete my life, eventhough we have much different characters but they really taught me a lot of things abt life. We also have so many lack especially me, tapi mereka gak pernah ngeliat itu sebagai kekurangan malah mereka ngejadiin aku pribadi yang lebih baik. Kept my words, they're perfect as my bestfriend.
My First Post
Actually this is not my first blog and this isn't my first time I forgotten my password too. It's been a long time I didnt write on the blog. So now, like it or not, I should start it
from scratch again. Readers, too many stories that I want to tell you.
start of my fucking ex-boyfriend, my new life of school, my
new friends, and my life is not always easy. If you ask me why I should make a blog again that's all because I can't believe everything-everyone except Me-My Self-I (That's why I use those words as the title of my blog). Okay, let's open a new
page and forget all the bad memories
that I have ever had. Love you all <3
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